Located on the ground floor of Tennyson Centre you will find Lift Cancer Care Services. Lift is a one stop shop for support services for people undergoing treatment for cancer.
We offer exercise medicine, psychology, physiotherapy, speech pathology and dietetics all under the one roof. We provide you with evidence based programs to support your cancer treatment so that you feel better and are able to manage the side effects of your treatment. Common issues such as fatigue, pain, low mood, loss of muscle strength and bone density, reduced balance, changes in appetite and taste are all able to improved with access to the right services.
Lift is dedicated to delivering an innovative model of care which is truly patient centered.
If you would like more information about Lift, please visit our website www.liftcancercare.com.au

Suite 7
Tennyson Centre
520 South Road
Kurralta Park SA 5037
tel: 08 7231 8000
fax: 08 7200 3108
email: [email protected]
web: www.liftcancercare.com.au
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm