Erectile dysfunction: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition in which a man cannot achieve or maintain an erection sufficient to perform sexual intercourse. This is a common disease that can be caused by various factors.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

ED can be caused by various factors, including:

  • *Psychological reasons: Stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems and other psychological factors can lead to ED.
  • Physical causes: Diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hormonal disorders and other physical conditions can cause ED.
  • Medicines: Some medications, such as antidepressants, antihistamines, and others, can cause ED as a side effect.
  • Bad habits: Smoking, alcohol and drug use can negatively affect erectile function.
  • Lifestyle: Lack of physical activity, poor diet, and other lifestyle factors can contribute to ED.

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction

Symptoms of ED include:

  • Difficulty getting an erection.
  • Difficulty maintaining an erection.
  • Decreased sexual desire.
  • Other symptoms associated with the cause of ED.

Methods of treatment of erectile dysfunction

The treatment of ED depends on the cause of the disease. In some cases, treatment of the underlying disease can help improve erectile function. In other cases, additional treatments may be required, such as:

  • Medical treatment: Medications such as phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (PDE-5) can help improve erectile function.
  • Psychotherapy: Psychological therapy can help to cope with the psychological causes of ED.
  • Surgical treatment: In some cases, surgical intervention may be required, such as the implantation of penile prostheses.

It is important to consult a doctor for professional advice and treatment of ED. The doctor may conduct an examination to determine the cause of ED and prescribe appropriate treatment.


ED is a common disease that can be caused by various factors. Treatment of ED depends on the cause of the disease and may include medication, psychotherapy, and surgery. It is important to consult a doctor for professional advice and treatment.

Dr. Peter Sutherland